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Night blinds are energy saving and help preserve food quality and safety.
The use of night blinds greatly helps maintain the safety and quality of displayed food.
When the night blinds works normally it can keep on the temperature, prevent this and
will stabilize the temperature rapidly.

How do OBOBLIND night blind work?

— OBOBLIND Night blinds save energy by not allowing the cold air inside the display case to drop out into the selling area.

— When this happens, cold air is replaced by the warmer air of the store.

— To keep on the normal work of display case, the warm air must be cooled down rapidly.

— This means a lot of work for the compressor and a consistent waste of energy.

— The special material used for the OBOBLIND night blinds reflect the heat away from the case, at the same time they do not allow the cold air inside to drop out.

— Some of the advantages deriving from the use of OBOBLIND

Some of the advantages deriving from the use of OBOblind

Save energy up to 30%-35%
No condensation
Tough and reliable construction

— Help keeping product temperature constant

— Easy installation

— Help preserve food quality and safety

— No need for space storage

— Beautiful and durable


OBO manual night blinds for upright display cabinets
产品参数 产品参数 产品参数
night blind(vertical case)
night blind(verticalcase)
night blind(island case)
产品参数 产品参数 产品参数
night blind
night blind (single roll)
night blind(double roll)
SHANGHAI RUNDA Corporation. copyright